Internet, Email & Calendar Courses
Google Chrome, Gmail, and Calendar
PC120-Chrome - Exploring the Web
Teaches basic Internet concepts and skills for using Google Chrome.
15 lessons, 8 exercises, 1 quiz, 1 reading supplement; estimated duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Table of Contents & Samples

PC130-Gmail - E-Mail Basics
Teaches basic e-mail concepts and skills skills using Gmail.
17 lessons, 15 exercises, 1 quiz; estimated duration: 4 hours
Table of Contents & Samples

PC131-GC - Calendar Basics
Teaches basic calendar concepts and skills using Google Calendar.
7 lessons, 5 exercises, 1 quiz; estimated duration: 4 hours
Table of Contents & Samples
Courses for Internet Explorer 11 and Outlook 2010 are also available. To inquire, please contact